Easy way to back off rear brakes deactivate self adjuster?

Started by James E Vining, August 12, 2013, 01:53 AM

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James E Vining

SO I messed up and tried to adjust the brakes myself and I had the rear wheels off teh ground and running and one side was spinning and not the other so I tightened brakes on spinning side to get non spinning side to spin and just way I went back and forth and now realize I got them to tight.
I don't know exactly what was in the air that made me into a idiot but I was.
Now I cannot back them off as the self adjuster lock it from turning backwards (loosening) Does anyone have a suggestion in what to use to push self adjuster doodad out of  the way so I can back them off?
ALl my vehicles I could do that with a small screwdriver but for some reason the the M300 chassis it does not seem to work nor can I find where the self adjuster lever is and it is driving me Batty.
I should of just put her in revers gassed it and braked and did it a few times to allow self adjusters to do their job but no I had to fiddle with it and now I am in a Pickle.
I am sure if I try to just leave it and drive it till they wear in I will overheat the brakes and I do not want to do that a MH without brakes scares me.



James E Vining

Sweet thanks, I can't find my Brake Spoon and I know I used to use a Screw Driver but I forgot I had to bend it as Pictured to release the adjuster.
Thanks you guys here rule I would be S.O.L Without this site.

James E Vining

I had no Idea you had your own SIte with Great Info, Awesome Stuff I can't wait to have time to read all of it.


Quote from: James E Vining on August 12, 2013, 04:57 PM
I had no Idea you had your own SIte with Great Info, Awesome Stuff I can't wait to have time to read all of it.

Take a look on the right side-bar... up.... up... yeah, there it is - Dave's Place! 

It's pretty amazing what can be found here when you see it - LOL!
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca

James E Vining

True I am still getting used to looking at the margins to see what is there, I ended up making my own brake spoon out of a Piece of an old Dual Shop Light Handle Piece and it worls flawlessly, once I knew exactly where to insert the tool and the area the adjuster sat it was a piece of cake.
Thanks again so much, I am shocked and almost saddened by the amount of Info I have forgotten about engines, chassis', etc. but at least I am able to relearn it and ask questions when I cannot remember a specific technique etc.