Fuel injection upgrage - 440

Started by MSN Member, August 16, 2009, 10:44 AM

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MSN Member

From: Tery
Sent: 6/17/2002

     I have a 73 Winnebago with 440.  We were getting horrible fuel mileage. (4mpg)
So we bought a custom fuel injection kit based on 454 TBI.  The down side so far besides the cost and I have about 20 to 30 hrs in the installation so far.

New parts: Fuel selector switch.
Fuel injection kit.
Fuel hose.
Hose clamps

Things left to finish: Accelerator modification.
finalize wiring.
Mount ecu and engine check light.

I haven't had any road time as of yet so no mpg results but anything has to be better than 4mpg.  So far so good. It starts and  idles like a champ.

One last note about the install .... If you hear a water running when you turn on the engine... It isn't water.....

MSN Member

I'm very interested to hear the results of your efforts. While I'm getting about 5.5 to 6mpg I think 7.5 or 8 should be possible with better fuel&ignition timing mapping.
Please post again when you have more!  Randy3

MSN Member

Well as of tonight we have a nice set up as far as I can tell.
Every thing is working well.  Had to install a new exhaust manifold gasket today.
Acceleration is great up to about 3300 rpm, about 60 mph currently.  New chips will fix this.  New chips should arrive this week.
     Next weekend we will be taking a trip for a mileage run and I will post the data their.  Tery

MSN Member

Fuel injection update.  We ran 55 to 60 mph for 180 miles.  We achieved a 6.5 mpg.  This is up from 4.5 mpg at same speeds on the same trip.  There is a little tuning left to do but it is very close to being a done. We are hoping to get 7 mpg in the final tuning stages.
     Point of note.  We have a 4.56 rear gear ratio.  The fat bottom girl pulls like a mule when climbing a hill and when running 55 mph our rpms are sitting up around 3100 rpms.

     I am looking into an over-dive transmission. (Next project).
After looking at the numbers and data we are against the wall on mpg until an overdrive is installed.
The Dodge 727 Load flight has a final ratio of 1.
The Dodge A-618/47RH,47RE over-dive transmission has a final ratio of .68.
The Gear vendors and US gear both have a final ratio of .78.
The rpm's would drop to around 2400 rpms at 55 mph when in over-dive and some where around 3400 at 75 mph.
     The Dodge transmission would take a 500.00 adapter and new transmission from a Dodge V10/Cumins diesel (not cheap), might need some drive shaft modifications, and some wiring.  The Gear vendors and US gear cost $2400.00 and might require drive shaft modifications and wiring.  The engine temp would drop also due to pulling less rpms.     Tery


I looked into the Holley tbi unit in the Summit Racing catalog.  Currently I have an Edelbrock 750cfm on top.  As far as the overdrive goes, it's easier is to install and after-market overdrive on the rear of the tranny.  Gear vendors make a nice add-on unit that works at the push of a button.  They also make one that is over and under drive. either way, with new tranny or add-on, you'll need to have the drive-shaft cut.  Also, most new trannys are computer controlled and the only stand alone unit is for the gm 4l68/80E.
Greetings from the steel buckle of the rust belt