Holley carburator overflowing with fuel

Started by class87, November 25, 2008, 11:29 PM

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From: DBrooks 
(Original Message)
Sent: 9/29/2002 3:34 PM

     In the rear fuel bowl, fuel is coming up through the overflow tube and then spilling into the carb and onto the engine.  Is this a float problem?  I took out the float, and it doesn't seem to be stuck...as it does move freely.  When I put it back in, I don't get any fuel flow from that fuel bowl - at least I see the jets remain dry.  The only fuel distribution is when the overflow tube begins to spill fuel.  It's one or the other.
     Also, on the front of the carb, where the butterfly is, there is a phillips screw head in the middle.  Fuel seems to spray from this, thus wetting the jets, and then into the carb.  Should this be happening? 
     So...I don't see any fuel coming out of the jets in either of the 4 barrels.  But, the fuel bowls on front and rear are receiving fuel and filling up.  Why isn't the fuel getting distributed?    Duane


    I believe your rear fuel inlet needle and seat are stuck and/or leaking. you can remove them and clean them[the nut and screw on top of the bowl]. look closely and tip of the needle and it's mating surface.if it's cut or corroded it will keep letting fuel in.[those pump's really PUMP!]. replace as necessary.  Now you can set the float level with the bowl off and inverted-just adjust so the top of the float is parallel with the top of the bowl. i almost forgot, make sure the float doesn't leak if it's brass or fuel soaked if it's that black rubber stuff!  make sure the gaskets for the inlet body and locknut are good or new. reassemble and install on engine.  Holley float levels are adjusted on the vehicle with the engine running. take the screw out of the side of the bowl, loosen inlet locknut and screw fuel inlet body in or out to the point where the fuel just wets the bottom of the threads of the "window". then reinstall plug and tighten locknut on fuel inlet body.
no fuel comes out of the secondary part of the four barrel till and vacuum "calls for the thing to open". it's like another carb separate from the primary[front] two venturies. you can overide the linkage by "blipping" the carb and twisting both throttle shaft cams towards each other[neat sound!].
     Finally, that phillip screw you desribe holds the nozzles for the accelerator pump. that should be dry at idle or constant rpm. gas should squirt out the instant you move the throttle. if it pees all the time the accelerator pump has a problem [common and repairable with these carbs]. chip. 


     The Holley atop the 413 in my 73 began acting up; it would still run, but the fuel pressure would drop to zero when I was going up a hill & I couldn't get it to idle consistently even though it had full fuel pressure, (it would run rich after idling for a minute).   I found tiny bits of gummy rubber (like licorice) clogging the needle valve assembly.  I cleaned this out, along with the fuel feed line, and replaced the fuel pump.  Problem gone.  Sawing open the original pump I found the rubber bladder had been disintegrating.  The fuel filter was between the tanks and pump, to keep the rust out of the fuel pump, not between the pump and the carb, so it didn't stop that source of crud.   The fuel pressure gauge I added when I got the Winny in 91 was well worth the $150 it cost, as it helped with this problem, and tells me when my fuel filter is clogging up - which on a lumpy interstate can happen in 20 miles. 