Started by Oz, July 17, 2012, 08:30 PM

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... that some old topics are popping up at the top of the Tech Talk message boards.  These messages were manually transferred over from the MSN sponsored website we ran on for about 6-7 years.  The transfer team had to work quickly to get them here before MSN closed all the webgroup sites so, they were copied in their entirety as on post and pasted over here.  I've been working on them ever since to get them split up into individual posts and credit them to their original authors. 

One of the benefits of doing this is that you can add new info to them or ask questions about them.  This helps to keep the info more current and may help you with something you were thinking about but hadn't gotten around to yet.

I've been working on them very slowly (there were @ 10,000 individual posts) so as not to flood the boards too heavily so your current questions and topics don't get lost in a deluge (yes, I said deluge... I just like the way it sounds).

So, if you have anything to add or ask on these topics, please do!
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


Also, if you were a returning member from the old, MSN website, I want to be able to reset your "Member Since" profile info to make it reflect when you first joined us.  This isn't an easy task for one person to do.  I do have photo images of the Member Register at the time MSN shut down to refer to but, it doesn't include all of you.

It would be greatly helpful if you could let me know the year you joined, or just tell me who you are and what your old, MSN username was (even if it's close, it would work).  This would help me greatly and give you the credit you deserve for supporting us for such a long time!

You can either just post the info here or send me a PM.

Thanks - Sob
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


Just wanted to say thanks for all you do


There's no way I can recall what year I started.  All I recall is it was before everything moved to MSN.


i remember when i joined it was back when it was the original site(classicwinnebago). i think i asked the first question about reroofing. i cant even remember what year that was but i remember when mark came to the site and everthing started to go the way it is today. a top notch site filled with many helpful people and tons of technial knowadge and help. there has been a few hick ups through these changes but i would also like to say thanks to mark and everybody else that has made this such a cool site. i remember the original talks about curtains and the first attemps at our jams and the boat launch with lowell? it been a long time and i still come check this site almost everday just to try and stay connected to this group in some way. im sure i will keep coming back cause this is such a great bunch of people.


I remember when Old Ed had to "sneak" onto the computer in order to get onto Classic Winnebagos because someone posted a photo on the home page of SWMBO, standing in the "WhinnyBeggar" and, she didn't look too happy the photo had been taken.  All I can say is, at the time, I was very glad I lived in PA and Ed Lived in Ogden, UT and didn't have any ICBMs handy.


As I said, I did take images of the Member Register right before the MSN group closed.  Unfortunately, I had begun deleting all the "old timers" from it as you all began joining the new site, not knowing I'd ever need to refer to it again.  So, all I can go by is the dates of oldest posts and that is too hard to accomplish on my own since there are so many of you here and because all the old posts haven't been broken down into individual ones yet.

A little CW trivia

Does anyone remember, "The dark side" and what it was?

How about, the "Pharaoh's Treasure Hunt"?  There was a secret code word at the end when players figured out the clues and got to the "treasure room".  As I recall, Phil Cox got it first and won a CW bumper sticker.
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca