Did it come with a bunk ladder?

Started by brians69d24, December 10, 2008, 05:14 PM

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Sent: 6/5/2004 7:47 AM

My old Winnebago brochure mentions an "optional bunk ladder". Anybody ever seen one?  Anybody own one?  Got a pic?



Sent: 6/5/2004 11:19 AM

I don't have a pix handy, but my Winny has one, and you night find them in the salvage yards. Mine is aluminum, just tall enough to reach to the edge of the upper beds from the floor; weighs maybe 5 pounds. Very handy item. I think it was a generic ladder, it doesnt say Winnebago on it anywhere. I saw one with small hooks that fit over the lip of the bunk, making it less likely to be knocked over in the night time. We toss ours onto the front bed pad when we raise the front bunk in the daytime. I see them at www.campingworld.com.


Sent: 6/6/2004 8:24 AM

I have one in mine, it's original.  Can't say I've seen anyone other than Denison with one though.  I don't have pix either.  I put it on top of the pull-down bunk then secure it until next use.

It's just a basic, hardwood ladder.  It has steps and not rungs.  the bottom edges are slightly angled and the ladder angles slightly away from the bunk rather than hanging straight down.  the top ends have metal hooks which go over the bunk edge.

If you couldn't find an OEM ladder, a wooden house bunk bed ladder would work well too.  We were using one in ours until our son was big enough not to need it. 
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


There were two ladders one Aluminum and one wood. The Aluminum ladder was 52 1/2" tall and 13 1/4 Wide.


The wooden ladder was 54" tall and 12 1/2 " wide