Roof replacement cost with original materials?

Started by MSN Member, December 25, 2009, 01:32 PM

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Sent: 5/1/2006

I am the proud new owner of a Winnebago Brave ('77) that has sat, unused, in the back lot of a car repair shop for many years.

No lie, it has only 14,160 miles on it. That sounds great, except the roof is saturated/sagging from years of unuse. I started pulling away wood, and there was no end to the damage.

I love this RV, and intend to spruce her up. I don't mind that someone, long ago, stole the generator... But I gotta have a roof.

I do need the roof, and possibly the floor replaced. I am in north-central California (Stockton). Does anyone know how much this is going to cost me hereabouts? I would be interested to hear from any "old-hands", and particularly those in California.


Brad Greenwood


Sent: 5/16/2006

Hi Brad, I just finished the roof on my 73 Brave D20.  I followed The Handier Man's photos and my cost was right at $500.00 for the roof.

Be prepaired to replace more than just the roof I ran into lots of other things that needed replaced like wiring and plywood at the top of the walls. It will take some time and it isn't just a simple fix but when your done you will have a roof that will last a long time and give you a lot of pleasure.