Mystery jar thing in engine compartment

Started by The_Handier_Man1, November 26, 2008, 05:40 PM

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From: spudboy  (Original Message)
Sent: 9/4/2003 10:53 AM

Up in the front grille compartment, my 1972 D22 Indian has a jar-type assembly.  Inside is a filter, and at the bottom of the jar is oily goo.  It has several hoses that connect to the jar fitting, and appear to come from the air intake and/or valve covers...what the heck is this?

I also discovered a similar fitting with some abandoned hoses mounted to the passenger side chassis rail behind the wheel...what the heck is this?

I suspect my questions could be answered by lots of crawling around under Winnie, but I can't do that while I am at work utilizing my tremendous productivity goofing on the web, rather than working on my coach.

"An unproductive day playing with your Classic Winnebago, is still better than a good day at work...but maybe not as much fun as a bad day of fishing?"

Spudboy, the puzzled 

From: denison
Sent: 9/4/2003 3:19 PM

You might need to provide pictures. denison

From: Enigma960080
Sent: 9/4/2003 5:30 PM

Just my two cents...
I have seen a setup as you described (many years ago). An Old timer mechanic
type had one on a 40's era truck. It was his version of a PCV valve. one
hose was hooked up to the air cleaner with a larger hose hooked to valve cover
or valley pan. Hard to tell without pics.....

Sent: 9/9/2003 5:31 PM

Yes I would agree Enigma. Its a home made catch can.

The hoses come from both the valve covers and dump into a can. This is the venting system for the engine. These hoses usually get hooked up to the air cleaner and or to a nipple on the base plate of the carburetor. If made correctly the hoses will also route from the can back to the carb and or the air cleaner housing, but that doesn't happen very often.

You should route them properly. Its not going to give you any noticeable power increase by doing that. Just make sure you engine is in good tune.

Its an old hot rodders trick so as not to suck any oil into the combustion chamber. You will notice no difference with these low revving behemoths. They should have no blow by at all. Mine has none. I check the hoses and they are always dry.

Sent: 9/9/2003 5:36 PM

I cant post an image shot of my engine but you can go take a look. Its under 1972 18ft Brave on page 2. Right Valve cover routes to air cleaner housing and left Valve cover routes to base plate on carb. The other hose coming off the Intake manifold is vacuum for the brakes.

Hope this helps.

From: Sea Hag
Sent: 9/23/2003 10:51 AM

I Have a similar canister on my frame rail  I think it is an Fuel evaporator canister some modles have  Two - Mine is also abandon and the other is missing  but I will reconnect it as soon as I get more info , I think it is where the gas tank vents are also suppose to go . - SeaHag