Thank You

Started by M & J, November 11, 2014, 12:46 PM

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M & J

For those of you who have served, or is serving:

Thank you very much on this Veterans or Remembrance Day.

M & J


Yes, I second the motion, the men and women in service and those that have given their lives for all of us to enjoy our freedom, a great big thank you.  God bless you all :)clap :)ThmbUp


Thank You!!

From the Rice/Elgin Family, we wish to express our thanks and gratitude to those who have served, those who were lost, and those who came home wounded.
I reserve the right to reject your reality and substitute my own...


Thanks to all the vets out there. I am forever grateful for your sacrifices


I get people thanking me for serving in the Navy during Vietnam, but I have mixed emotions about that.  I didn't volunteer to join the service, I was TOLD I would be drafted in the Army or I could enlist in some other branch, but the bottom line was - I was going.  I joined the Navy and wound up with a cushy job in Aviation Supply.  Even though I went to many Asian countries, basically I sat at a desk in an air conditioned office and spent LOTS of the government's money on any and everything.  It was basically a 9 to 5 job (however, the times varied) and at the end of the shift I went home (or the barracks, depending on where I was).  Outside of qualifying on a 45 pistol for E5 rank, I never held a weapon the whole four years I was in the Navy.  I never got on a ship and I never saw the enemy.  I did fly over some hostile areas in a P3 but that was the extent of it.  I just don't feel like much of a veteran and when people thank me for my service I feel a little inadequate.  Plus, when I came back from Vietnam service, the mood of the country wasn't very receptive of service people.  No one ever said "Thank You" back in the 70's.  Actually, quite the opposite.  But, I thank you for thinking of the ones that did put their lives in harm's way.  Where would we be without them?
1984 Holiday Rambler
1997 Newmar Kountry Star

M & J

Everyone has/had a purpose. Although your's may not have been what you consider "significant" - my word, you still served. And no matter what your contribution;

I'd still shake your hand and say thank you sir.
M & J


 "I joined the Navy and wound up with a cushy job in Aviation Supply."

had you not served and done your job, how would the pilots have flown their missions, providing aerial support for the ground troops? Think of the lives you might have helped to save! No job was "unimportant"... Yes, you sat behind a desk mostly. But that allowed others to have the supplies they needed to do their jobs too.
I reserve the right to reject your reality and substitute my own...


  • As corny as it may sound, every day is remembrance to me. Every morning I sit in my kitchen look out the window, down my grass runway that goes through the bush on our property. Every time I hop in my little airplane and go for a flight around town and look down I can't help but think how lucky I am. I go out and hop in my old classic Winnebago and go State side to visit my many American friends. Many people gave up so very much so I could do these things in a free and democratic country. I have voted every year since I've been eligible out of respect for those who made it possible for me.  For all who may read this Thank you and yes I think and thank you often. Here's a little something I found for my American friends. This is one of many reasons we love you. :)ThmbUp



And without those pilots in the air our lives on the ground would have been much, much worse. Never put yourself down for doing the job you were given. That job always ended up at the front line somehow. Thank you Sir, for doing your job.