Brake pedal goes to floor, rig barely stops

Started by The_Handier_Man1, November 28, 2008, 08:21 PM

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From: PhÃ¥rÃ¥oh  (Original Message)
Sent: 5/25/2003 10:00 AM

     I am also having a brake problem.  When I push the pedal it goes all the way to the floor, and gets stuck there.  The winnie does stop, but barely.  I am not driving it yet for that reason.  Any diagnosis.  I was told that it is probably my master cylinder.  I checked the master cylinder fluid level, the rear resivior is empty, so I bought a new M cylinder and newe rear wheel cylinders.  If anyone can advise I'd appreciate it.

From: chip
Sent: 5/25/2003 6:33 PM

this won't cure your braking problem but, did you brake the pedal return spring? this might cause your pedal not to come back?í

From: denison
Sent: 5/25/2003 8:48 PM

If you keep filling the rear reservoir, and pumpng the pedal, maybe bleeding it so the pressure will come up, you should be able to see where the fluid is going, where it is leaking from. It could be at a wheel cylinder, at a joint, a brake hose, even in the middle of a brake line - though that is rare. To warn you, if you have the type of rear axle with 2 wheel cylinders in each drum, you wont see leakage from the top wheel cylinder until it makes its way to the bottom of the brake backing plate. If you put fluid into the reservoir, and keep losing it - check whether fluid is being sucked into the vacuum line, between the booster and the intake manifold. That would mean you need a new booster, or boosters. The inside of that vacuum hose should be fairly dry. denison