440-3 Timing?

Started by phastfred, June 21, 2012, 02:09 PM

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My '73 Indian has a 440 in it. some docs show timing settings for it. but, the manual only lists a 413 wedge and a 361. as there were no provisions for engine mounted air on the 440,no ducting in dash either.  could it be an aftermarket replacement? (the roof air runs only on outboard power or the generator). I have noticed an electric booster fan on the radiator....tnx for your patience with a novice.
They ain't plottin', they's chickens!


Buy the MH service manual from the site store and procure the Dodge MH Chassis service manual (http://www.classicwinnebagos.com/forum/index.php?action=store;sa=view;id=144)

It says 73 440 (Electronic Ignition) is 7.5 +/- 2.5 deg BTDC

For asking questions, please understand chassis drive train is Dodge and the coach part is Winnebago.



                                              THE END
Well she's up and running. Still having trouble getting in to set the timing but we'll get there. Learned a lot and thanks a million to the gang because it would have never happened with out you guys/girls.  Heading up to the machine shop for Pizza and Beer to day, our treat for all there patients and help. What did I learn? Many, many things but if you have never done a project like this and your thinking of selling your rig because you have a blown head gasket. DON'T. You really can do this. Even if you've never done anything like it before. Really! You can do it. Thanks again guys.


Hi TJ  Just always remember even the most experienced technician (mechanic) Had a first at everything they do !!  Sometimes there first also became there second and or third time on the same job Before they asked for help. As long as there are people who will guide you along the way you can do anything (As you are learning) Before you know it you too will be giving helpful hints !!  Congratulations on another job well done your certificate is in the mail  Frank  :)ThmbUp
"The Journey is the REWARD !"
Member of 15 years. We will always remember you, Frank.