Correct Suburban furnace NT 24S Electrode?

Started by moonlitcoyote, November 26, 2012, 10:58 AM

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I am having a bit of a problem, my electrode went bad (crumbled) so I checked online to purchase another one. The tag on the furnace says the model is NT 24 S, the tag is dented so it could be NT 24 SP but either way they both use the same electrode. The Serial number is 1630935. The problem I have is that when I look it up, it calls for part number Electrode (231933). But after looking at pictures of it, it is not the right one. The one that came out of it had 2 connectors coming out one side and 3 "thingys" on the other side, the ground,ignitor and whatever that last one is. The picture of the one it supposedly calls for only has the ground and ignitor and only 1 connector on the other side.... I hope some of that made sense. Sorry I dont know all the technical terms.





Thank you Dave, the site I looked at said it just opposite. Must have been a typo, I even had a heating company look it up and they came up with the same part number I did.


Your welcome.  You also know where I got the info from.  Good luck - Dave