Fresh water tank-what type of plastic? Repair welding kit

Started by The_Handier_Man1, December 11, 2008, 10:44 PM

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Sent: 7/4/2005 12:18 PM

I will order the plastic fender repair kit recommended for the fresh water tank. Does anyone know the plastic used so I can order the correct rod. The description for polyethelene and polpropelene are much the same and I do not want to guess. 1979 Chieftain.



Sea Hag

Sent: 7/4/2005 1:29 PM

I also purchased the fender welder from Urathane supply Co. The winnie rv service book for up to 79 Identifies it as polyethelene . There should be a molded mark on the tank for Identification of the plastic used . The Co has a web site I think it's  . There is a link in the Resource Links to it.  They have a chart posted for Identifieing the mold mark . and some tests if there is no mark . Of corse they want you to buy the $200.00 welder for alot of them . I think the $39.00 one Like I purchased  . will work just fine . Let me know how it turns out if you repair yours before I get to mine . Sea Hag 


80 watt soldering iron


Poly tubing for fridge ice maker at Home depot

Solder away to fix tank leak

Make sure there is no water in the area of the tank you are working on.  The water will steam up creating bubbles in the repair that will leak.
