Weird Sparkplug Issues?? ( They are Dying)

Started by James E Vining, August 14, 2013, 12:16 AM

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James E Vining

I have had 2 Sparkplugs go bad on me, 1st one was about a 2 weeks ago all of a sudden the engine started running bad and started backfiring and I though at the time it was bad gas then I noticed #1 Exhaust manifold was not as hot as #3 so I pulled #1 plug wire from Dist. while running and engine sounded exactly the same as I went to reinstall it in dist. I keep it max distance and still get a spark from Dist. to wire and the engine started to smooth out but as soon as I installed Wire it started missing and backfiring.
I happened to have a New plug so I replaced it and #1 has ran great since.
Now yesterday #2 Plug did exact same thing I have removed it, cleaned it ( although it looks like new) Double checked gap, all is fine as far as those Items, if I do same with wire as I did with #1 it kind of runs better but not 100% it still misses at times and backfires at times but nothing like when plug wire is in Dist. all the way then it acts like a dead cylinder and backfires like every 3 seconds.
There really is no way to check a Plug without using some special tool or having it hooked to a running ignition is there?
I just hate getting shocked by a Coil for some reason I have a Super High sensitivity to electricity, I thought it was weird I get shocked and I go numb and have issues and it was Verified when I went in for Testing on my back and they used electrical pulses Via acupuncture needles in my Back and they found I am hyper sensitive to electrical signals.


Honestly?  Do what I did, change one, change them all..  Better safe than sorry..

Captain of the Ground Ship "Aluminum Goose"
28' Holiday Rambler Imperial 28

James E Vining

I had planned to change them all, although they are not that old nor had many miles on them, wel ok they are old just minimal mileage, since I have been working on it since 2008, so plugs are 5 years old.
So now here is my issue, I have autolite AP 124 Platinum Plugs and was debating switching over to a E3 Plug or a Bosch Platinum +2 or +4, my last 318 I used the Bosch Platinum +4 plugs and they seemed to work great, I was curious as to if anyone uses the E3 or Bosch and what they think of either compared to a standard plug style???


message search spark plug for plug recommendation brands, numbers, etc. 

There's a topic for dodge 318 sparkplugs
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca