Cleaning Grungy Aluminum Trim Idea I had

Started by James E Vining, August 19, 2013, 10:09 PM

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James E Vining

I have been trying to figure out how to clean the aluminum trim on my 71 D-20 and I think I found a easy way to do it using Zep Industrial Purple.
I have some pics of before and after to show how well it worked.

After wearing my arm out this is where i got prior to thinking about the Zep Cleaner( Now word of caution, Zep contains Caustic Chemicals so you cannot just spray and leave it but it does work fantastically)

SO you can see how nasty the aluminum trim was and no matter what I tried i could not get the nasty brown off of it.

Here are pics one cleaned up.

As you can see it removed the nasty stuff real well, you can tell when you are close to clean as the Zep Cleaner will kinda foam a Whiteish  when it is in contact with the aluminum, when I first applied it to the trim the gunk was so thick it did not foam at all.
The Polished Trim in 3rd picture was an accident as I was trying to use my drill and a buffing wheel and overdid it LOL.

I hope this helps anyone restoring a MH that has been out in weather for some time, I have more pics if anyone wants more info but realize 4 is the recommended post amount for pictures

Oh ya, I used a Nylon Brush first but found it did not work as well as a SS Brush/Brass Brush, Also I highly recommend wearing Nitrile gloves as the Cleaner is hard on skin.


Captain of the Ground Ship "Aluminum Goose"
28' Holiday Rambler Imperial 28