Do I need brakes on the vehicle I'm towing?

Started by Clyde9, November 09, 2008, 10:18 PM

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From: CaptainVideoMPEG  (Original Message)   
Sent: 10/20/2003 3:31 AM

I am in the process of setting up my Nissan pickupto be towed by my 1983 Brave, and have a few questions. From what I have been told, I should not have any trouble towing this truck, but am concerned with stopping. Do I need brakes on the towed vehicle? Technically, the answer is yes, but I know that a lot of people don't. I have been looking at a "Brake Buddy" and have been told that it will even make the motorhome stop better. This would be good, but the unit costs around $1000. Is it worth the money, or will I be OK without it? I don't want to cut brake lines or have something that is complicated to install and use. The brake Buddy pretty much sits on the floor-easy to hook up and remove. But $1000 is still $1000!

From: jbrt1989   
Sent: 10/20/2003 4:49 PM

As you said, the "technical" answer is ....yes you should probably have brakes on your towed vehicle.   That being said, you are also correct in the fact that many people tow a vehicle behind their RVs without brakes and have very few problems as a result.

I myself tow my Jeep Wranger behind my Cheiftain, but, I don't want to have to get into disconnecting driveshafts and such, so I rent a U-Haul Auto Transport that gets all 4 off the ground.  That trailer also has a sort of surge brake that activates when the towing vehicle slows and also has a breakaway safety.  I've never had any problems pulling that weight with my 26 ft Cheiftain with the 440 engine or any white knuckle religious experiences trying to stop. .

I have heard on a few occasions that some states require at the very least some sort of breakaway safety device on your towed vehicle should you be towing it 4 on the ground or the towed weight is over a certain amount.  Certainly it is a very good idea.  I can't imagine the horror of slowing down on some mountain pass and watching my Jeep pass by.. scratch that.., actually I CAN imagine the horror... I watched my Jeep fly down a mountain side after an idiot tow truck driver dropped it in Colorado...

I would doubt the weight of your Nissan would mandate service brakes, but, I would look into some sort of breakaway safety, trust me, it's no fun to watch your daily driver vehicle get trashed


From: jbrt1989   
Sent: 10/21/2003 1:36 AM

PS. I'm definitely not recomending you go out and drop $1000 for that system.   I'm certain there has got to be a much more economical way to tow your Nissan.  Perhaps even a used  Brake buddy somewhere.  Unless you were going to fulltime travel the country logging thousands of miles, I don't think $1000 is worth if for the occasional travel.  I know I've got a wish list a mile long that a grand could take care of in short order myself.  If the states you plan on driving through don't have any laws that apply, and you are very confident in your tow bar, and RV's service brakes, then I wouldn't see any concern for at least a trial trip to see how it goes just take it easy and see how it goes..
