Alternator bench test?

Started by The_Handier_Man1, December 03, 2008, 10:52 PM

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From: jipjob1  (Original Message)
Sent: 2/27/2004 1:49 AM

Can you test a regulator (Alternator) without it be hooked up to winne?

From: UluzYarx
Sent: 2/27/2004 8:34 AM

Bench test your alternator by using the belt drive from a big electric motor (more than 2 HP.
Connect the alternator to a battery before the test.
Never found anything interesting by doing it though.
You can put it on your car and test it that way.
Old alternators are relatively inefficient.
New ones are cheap and efficient.
Especially second-hand.
High amperage alternators don't do the business at low engine revs.
If you want a high amp alternator, get a bigger alternator drive pulley made.
Only drive the alternator from the big pulley .
Two small alternators are better than one big one by a factor of between two and four for motorhome.
Many electrical problems are down to poor connectors.
Small (spot) sandblasters clean electrical contacts (and plugs) efficiently - but spread abrasive all over the jockey.
Vaseline or silicone grease keeps the contacts clean.

From: Im-still-Lefty
Sent: 2/27/2004 8:58 AM

The following automobile parts stores offer free testing of both the alternator and voltage regulator. Advance, Autozone, NAPA (alt. only) , Pep Boy's,etc... You should be able to get it tested close by without any trouble. Lefty

From: jipjob1
Sent: 2/27/2004 11:00 AM


From: Sea Hag
Sent: 2/27/2004 8:05 PM

I belive my dodge chassis manual has some bench test prosedures for off vehicle service to tell if its good or not - might be better to take it in to a parts store - Let me know if you want the test procedures and I 'll look them up -  Sea Hag

From: UluzYarx
Sent: 2/28/2004 7:31 AM

You lucky Devil's, it costs more in England to have an alternator tested that it costs for new bearings, brushes and regulator.

Incidentally, Jibjob, its was worn brushes on all the alternators to which I've given the kiss of life.
I usually keep spare brushes for each of my motors in their useful parts box.

All the best, Dave