Ballast Resistor Check

Started by LJ-TJ, April 25, 2011, 12:28 PM

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I have several ballast resistors sitting on the work bench. Are they good or are they bad that is the question. Is there a way to check to see if a ballAst resistor is any good or not.  Hm?

Half way down the page is Trouble Shooting section.  Steps 13 through 20 are for the Ballast Resistor.  The ohmage values (0.5 and 5.0) are also listed there.

Oh, resistance/voltage values for most of the components are listed there.

BTW - The resistor can read good cold but open when the engine compartment is heated to normal operating temps (i.e. intermittant problem).



OK I cheated. I new I had seen it here some were. Thanks Dave.  D:oH!