Lighted door handle?

Started by burt6666, June 11, 2012, 05:33 PM

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1973 Indian....the handle to the left of the it lighted? (have extra switch inside) And if do I access the bulb without breaking it?


When you go in your door on the left hand side there might be a light switch. It might turn your over head light on if you are on Battery power. Hm?


The wires go to the outside with the outside light wires.


A 1973 shouldn't have a lighted handle but, the way to tell is if the handle has a lense in it.  Normally, that second switch inside is for the overhead, outside, entryway light.
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


Thanks guys....have to look for another light.