Coaxing Brakes Back to Life

Started by Acuda4me, September 07, 2012, 02:27 PM

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I have a new-to-me 1970 Dodge Commander with a 413 and I assume 727 Auto trans. The brake system looks very much like the M300 diagram in this forum. The brakes are pedal to the floor dead and both chambers of the master cylinder were empty or near empty. I'd like to bleed the system, and see if I can locate any leaks and hopefully get the brakes at least slowing the coach down, as no breaks at all makes towing and moving around NO FUN. Is there a preferred method for bleeding a dual vacuum assisted breaking system? I have one bleeder out, so I'm going to NAPA to get some speed bleeders tonight.

Also, the parking break does nothing that I can tell, but there's tension to the cable. It looks like it's one of those drum on the drive shaft setups. Is there a way to adjust it?

Thanks in advance. A 25' RV with no brakes whatsoever makes one VERY aware of any and all inclines!



I believe these topics cover your issues entirely but, if not, post any additional questions you may have on the most appropriate topic to your problem

;) :)ThmbUp
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


Oh, I assure you all new brakes are DEFINITELY on the short list> I just need it to stop for now while I move it around.