TQ 850CFM 4BBL carb Adjustments etc.

Started by James E Vining, July 27, 2013, 11:04 PM

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James E Vining

Its been years Id guess at least 17 since I did my last MOPAR Engine build using a TQ 4BBL carb and I did not have a computer then so I do not have a digital copy of the proper Settings.
I know there is some way to set the Metering Rods using the Screw in the Vacuum Piston but for the life of me I cannot find the hard copy anywhere.
I also found that for some reason I can back my Idle screw down to where it no longer touches the Idle part of the Throttle and it runs fine but I am thinking something is incorrect although it seems to run great.
Does anyone have a copy of the Therma-Quad setup info in regards to the Metering rods and what may be causing it to run so well without the idle screw touching the Idle stop on the throttle?
I also found that it seems to run smoothest with the Idle screws backed out from all the way in about 3 Turns which also seems incorrect to me I seem to remember it being about 2 Turns from all the way in before .
any suggestions would be most helpful thanks.

James E Vining

Just to add to this I thought I remembered reading that one way to set the Metering rods was to run the engine say at 3-4K and adjust the screw until the engine runs smooth?
I know if i set the Metering rod adjustment to where it just moves as you open throttle but is all the way down at idle then when it is at 3-4 K the engine runs rough and doesn't backfire but kinda goes bub-mmmm-bub or stutters and so on then as i turn it in (bringing the rods out and running it richer it gets to a point where it is perfectly smooth and just hums no stutter and any more turns does nothing so I back it down (turn the screw to bring the metering rods in running leaner) until it just starts to stutter and bit and slowly bring the rods back out (richen) until I get the smooth Hum again and no stutter, does that sound correct to anyone?
All this is done with the adjustment screw in the middle of the metering rod piston while the vacuum is holding the piston down



James E Vining