ethenol in our fuel

Started by The_Handier_Man1, November 10, 2008, 11:03 PM

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Sent: 9/6/2008 12:49 PM

our local gas station guy told me that starting soon, ethenol will be added to our fuel.  Is this a good thing for our  440's? i have heard  nothing but bad storys so far. any thoughts? happy trails and God Bless America     ...todd


Sent: 9/6/2008 1:56 PM

In many states in the U.S.A., whats for sale at the pump is already 'E10", or 10% ethanol, 90% gasoline. The various states choose to have slightly different viewpoints on this: Some forbid it, some require it, a few leave it up to the industy. I dont think the E10 will hurt anything. Its what is commonly available to us, and what we have been using for several years.


Sent: 9/6/2008 6:13 PM

In Oregon we have had the 10% ethanol this year.  People blame it for everything from low MPG to eating up fuel parts.  I can't say it has hurt any of my vehicles but read this article and the comments ,   Les


Sent: 9/7/2008 6:28 AM

We have had it here in Connecticut for a couple years now and there hasn't been any noticable differences. It is better than the MTBE (very hazardous by-prodcts) they used to put in the gas here, it won't poison the drinking water when you have a  undergroung tank leak.The one problem I had was mixing it with some of the MTBE gas that had been sitting in a mower all winter, it made a jello like gel  in the carb. but I just cleaned and drained it and then it was fine. Where I work we have a 6000gal. tank and the distributor said we would have problems with the filters so be prepared to change them more often because the new fuel will clean the deposits in the tank. We haven't changed a filter yet! So far most of the "problems" have not happend maybe they are just urban myths created by the oil companys after 10% is 10% less product and now they have to find a new way to get rid of the nasty by-products


From: Slantsixness
Sent: 9/9/2008 9:36 AM

10% ethanol will clean the muck out of the bottom of your fuel tank and stuff the goo in your fuel filters.. but the engine will purr like a kitten, as long as the fuel gets to it. E10 won't even cause a fuel mixture problem.

I run E85 when I can get it.. it's cheaper than gas (both cars are Flex fuel enignes (haven't tried E85 in the Winnie yet...but it should work too)... and there's only 3 places around here I can get the E85...

The E10 is common in lots of gas stations in FL ... and it's a little cheaper... maybe a couple cents or so a gal..
Remembering My 72 D20RG Brave "Smurfbago" The old girl never let me down, and she's still on the road today. quick! get out the Camera... I spotted another junkyard full of Winnies...


Sent: 9/10/2008 4:45 PM

Had it for a couple of years here in MD... no problems what-so-ever in any vehicle or lawn mower etc. Between Pat and I we put about 80K+ miles on our vehicles per year and 3k a year on Gone.
Hi from Gone to the Dawgs! 1987 Tiffin Allegro in Deale MD. CW Rocks!!!


Sent: 9/10/2008 11:04 PM

well it seems to just keep some fuel filters on hand till things get cleand out. well that just goes to show,don't listen to pesimests!! life is to short..thanks todd