Engine stops when you let go of the Key

Started by LJ-TJ, July 17, 2013, 09:21 PM

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I know it's been discussed before and darn if I can find it. The rig starts fine and as soon as I let go of the key she stops.




 :)rotflmao Thanks Dave. I've been dinking around under the dash so much trying to get those darn LED lights working I'm having nightmares of colored spaghetti and just had brain freeze. D:oH!


LOL - shucks, wires is just miniture electron highways.


Aha! Dave old buddy,old pal,good fella,good friend. Woopeee. So I changed out the ballast resistor which under normal circumstances would be the fix the problem, how ever what I ended up finding was the J10-16RE wire on the ignition starter switch had burn at the Connector. I sniped the wire on both sides of the connector and butt connected them together. Bingo problem solved. Also both the directional lights worked. Going to wait til tonight and see how bright they are but here's hoping. What da ya think. Thanks for all your help guys. One down 377 to go. D:oH!


J10-16RE (Ignition 1) circuit.  Good job my man  :)clap   I take it you are starting to understand the wiring diagram then!  Here soon I will be able to retire!  Glad this happened when you were in  a position to isolate it.

Remember I said voltage differential?  Well, one leg of that wire goes up to the turn signal flasher (fuse box) and easily could have caused (rather most likely caused) a low voltage signal on the flasher circuit.


James E Vining

Curious about the Pink wire that runs to Ballast Resistor and Coil, I noticed that when you are starting the Vehicle it runs a full 12V Via the Pink wire to the Coil and was curious as to if that really needed to be used?
I am havinng to rewire my 1971 D-20 and the previous owner went beserk with splices and had the ignition wired all sorts of weird with the Power to the alternator and the Choke Unit set on the acc side.
Do you need the Pink wire connected as it is only used per say at Engine start(Cranking).


Need? Well no BUT, it (ignition 2) is used to provide a hotter spark to the plugs while starting.


James E Vining

Ok thanks that makes since on stock Ignitions, coils etc.