Refrigerator doesn't cool

Started by rattlenbang, January 19, 2014, 10:11 PM

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I turn mine off at the end of Oct and do not start it again till May of the next yr ?  Have had no problems (other than after 8 yrs the coil rusted thru) That was on the one that was there when i purchased it PO said they had replaced the complete unit recently ? When starting it it will show cold in the freezer within 4 hrs but the refrigerator takes about 12 hrs to get cold  I have thermometers in both ! Frank
"The Journey is the REWARD !"
Member of 15 years. We will always remember you, Frank.


Quote from: cncsparky on June 04, 2014, 12:55 PM
I haven't tried it on gas, should I first before attempting a burp?  This was 120VAC for an hour or so.  I will leave it on for 24hrs and see what it does.

Anything is worth a shot before going to the hassle of removing for burping.
From most people's past experiences, electric is okay to keep the fridge cool once it's already there, but it's really pretty weak, especially for initial start-up.
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca


So gas works faster, colder?  My freezer starts getting cold very quickly, just didn't feel anything on the aluminum fins in the fridge.  I could try to fire up the gas.  Just didn't figure on using it since I have a working gen now and plug in at the house. 


I had checked mine on gas this spring about a week before my trip and everything was fine. Two days befor trip turned on AC and cooled it down so it could be loaded with food next day, no problem. Night before I left I turned it on gas and it didn't want to light but it finally backfired and lit. Next morning, leaving day, wife tells me the fridge is out. I try to light it and again it back fires. I end up blowing out the burner with compressed air and all is fine. I figure a gas spider moved in in the week it was off. Just keep that in mind that it may work on one mode but not another for other reasons beside the refridgerant. My slide in has never worked on AC but works great on gas.


Which is also a common thing.... the electric option seems to be the one that goes kaflooey for a lot of people, long before any problems with the gas.  And typically, it's the circuit board that's the issue so most people have just opted to run on gas only.  This included me.  Just an observation from what I've read from others over the years.

Take a read through this topic:  Freezer cools, fridge doesn't....,7704.0.html
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca