Tire Safety...How smart are you?

Started by The_Handier_Man1, November 26, 2008, 04:43 PM

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From: cooneytunes  (Original Message)
Sent: 11/25/2005 9:48 PM


This is a link to a Tire Safety Quiz I ran a crossed while searhing for tire info on WINNIE 001.....Take it and see how tire smart you really are....enjoy...


From: ClydesdaleKevin
Sent: 11/25/2005 10:19 PM

Cool quizzes, Timmy!  Though I contend vehemently with the one "wrong" answer I got on all four quizzes:  Lowering your air pressure DOES increase your traction in snow!  It also increases your traction in mud.  Old 4x4 trick.  They shouldn't be KEPT that way, but if you HAVE to drive in heavy snow or mud, lower the air pressure!


From: Fuddy
Sent: 11/26/2005 9:57 AM

Neat little quizzes.  I scored 16 out of 16 by the way.

From: mightybooboo
Sent: 11/27/2005 11:37 AM

Your talking about  those black round things,right?

BooBoo's Cat 

From: Slantsixness
Sent: 11/28/2005 8:56 AM

Kev's right, lower air pressure in a 4X4 or RWD vehicle WILL give better traction. However, in FWD cars, it does NOT, actually with the weight on the front wheels, there is no difference in traction in FWD cars, except that the lower air pressure can give you handling instability once you get to a plowed, or sanded road!

I took the tests, missed the tire rotation question. Neat quizzes, though!
