Charging Two 6 volt Trojan T-150 Battery

Started by LJ-TJ, January 15, 2015, 09:28 PM

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Quick question. I bought and hooked up two Trojan 6 volt battery's. Now I want to charge them. Do I charge them together like a 12 volt? Or do I take them apart and charge them separately with a regular battery charger on 6 volts.


For the first charge I always charge each 6V batteries with 6V until full. After that just keep them connected and charge with 12V.


Thanks Mate, That was about what I was thinking but wasn't sure and at $100.00 a battery I can't afford to make a mistake. Appreciate that. Thanks again. :)ThmbUp


They will charge either way but it is good to get them on a 6 volt charger once in a while to get them to their peak charge which they may not reach with a 12 volt charge.


The T-105's are my favorite! Been workin with 'em for nearly 20yrs now. Had a pair in my sailboat, and will soon have a pair in my Winnie. You didn't note if these were new, or used. I'm expecting closer to $150 ea for new, but well worth it!

The T105's actually get BETTER during the first couple years of use, so a pair of good used ones CAN be a worthwhile bargain! New or used, here's a few good tips for ya. But read this thru first,... for safety reasons!

Make sure all cells are full and Charge your batteries FULLY before use. Six or 12v charging doesn't matter much. I prefer to charge the whole bank as used in service. The Trojan website has ALL the stats and specifics on the rate and voltage necessary to attain this. Make sure you have a GOOD charger and system that can meet these needs. Your looking to "overcharge" and equalize EACH cell in every battery and put "a bit of tooth" on the cell plates before use. You'll need a good hydrometer to measure this, and it will be messy and fizzy, so do this in a SAFE outdoor location, WELL VENTILATED!!! Let the batteries rest and cool before measuring each cell with the hydrometer. Record your measures and date it,... this is the START of your "battery log", and will be helpful in the future in maintaining your batteries for longest life and use. At full charge, each cell should have the same specific gravity measure, or very, very close.

HYDROGEN IS EXPLOSIVE!!! I've blown up more than a few,... But I've also handled HUNDREDS in doing so!!! It CAN and WILL happen!!! That "one in a hundred" can be devastating!!! WEAR EYE PROTECTION ALWAYS!!! Shut off chargers and let rest BEFORE disconnecting cables and keep your face clear when you do!!! Replace caps with vents directed AWAY from terminal connections. Wash batteries THOURGHLY with clean running water,... sure, use a hose and flush them clean!!! Won't hurt anything!!! Always attach negitive cable last,... Again, keep your face away! Of course fill batteries with distilled water only. Watch your wrench!!! And don't wear rings or jewelery when workin around 'em. A gold ring will glow a bright red INSTANTLY if shorted between wrench and terminal,... I KNOW!!! It will melt in a puddle around you finger in split seconds!!! Oh, and keep those terminals and cables clean!!! Every charge cycle will fizz a bit, that fizz will corrode EVERYTHING. So wash 'em down every chance you get.

With cells plates cleaned and freshened, you'll have GREAT capacity from your batteries. Check water levels each month and record specific gravity readings of each cell in your log at the same time. You'll see in your log if you'll need to make charging adjustments or when it's time to "freshin'" them up again,... usually every couple years under typical use. Maybe yearly under heavy use. Your log will show when needed. ALWAYS keep them charged when not in use much.

Your T105's should last 7yrs or many more with good care and records!!! Your gonna luv 'em!!! A pair will give ya about 1.5KW of power!!
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