Progressive Dynamics PD-5000 AC DC Distribution Panel and 60 AMP Converter with

Started by LJ-TJ, March 05, 2015, 03:30 PM

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So, I've been struggling to get my generator up and running. Finally was successful today. One minute my Converter was working and the next it wasn't. I've had this problem for the last few years. One minute it works the next it doesen't. It works on battery just fine but not on 120.I pulled all the breakers and pushed them back in and still nothing. Yes I put the toggle switch in the right position. I pulled the little inspection plate off the top and with the generator running I tested a few wires and I'm getting between 120 and 119 on my meter. So the power is getting to the converter off the generator. So now what? Don't quite know were to go from here. I'm thinking of scraping the hole thing and buying a new conveter. What do you lads think? If your were going to replace the converter do you have any suggestions on which one you'd replace mine with.


You already know my vote:,5326.0.html
I have had no complaints about my setup.

Honestly, it is a choice of what will fit in your available space.

Whether you use a PD or Boondocker is personal choice. Both are great units and they both connect identically.

That PD-694 is a simple unit so conversion to the a modern distribution panel is simple.

Oh, the modern converter will also protect those fancy batteries while the PD-694 could burn them up.





The PD694 your replacing is connected like this:

The Parallax 6345 AC side is basically wired just like a AC panel in your house.
Given the PD694 is based on a 15 amp input, you will need to upgrade to a 30 amp shore cable and connector.

The unmodified DC side of the 6345 is wired like this:

Replacing the old original Linear converter in the 6345 ends up looking like this:



 :)rotflmao How'd you know? I was sitting starring at the darn thing while listening to the NASCAR race today trying to figure out what I knew about this and the conversion. NOTHING. Ha! Oh well I got a bit to figure it out as I won't be getting the up grade for a few weeks. You guys might want to go and hide before it gets here or I'll be driving you crazy as well. D:oH! I got to be nuts trying to do this stuff.


So here's what I'm thinking of doing. I'm going to very carefully remove my shore power cord from my PD694. I'm going to very carefully hook it up to where I took the shore power cord off the Magnetek Converter. My figuring is if and when I plug it in it should put shore power to all the breakers.???????? That's my guess.


Found this 6345 AC wiring diagram at:

Note:  This actually represents a typical motorhome AC wiring diagram.



Oh TJ, just one small reminder: PD694 is working OK.  Got the GENERATOR PROBLEM fixed yet?  :)

Smart A$$ dave


Yippie!  All better now.   :)clap   The 30 amp female receptical you plug the shore power cable into was bad.



So for any of my fellow Winnebagoer's  who are apprehensive about asking a dumb question. Well here I am. After all the fuss I put Dave and the gang through. About changing out the converter. Well it turned out to be the nut on the other end of the screw driver. Turns out the problem was NOT the converter but the female side of the plug  from the generator to the converter. Duh! Dumb bum. Most important though is the boys stuck with me through the hole proses  and as usual the only dumb question is the one you don't bum. Thanks a million Mates for hanging in there with me. I'm fix the genny is running and all is good with the world. ;)