front and rear corner repair

Started by Edmather, August 17, 2016, 05:21 PM

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Hi All,
Long time absence from the forum, but have been out in the 74 again, and its good to be back!
Have searched the forum but can't find anything about the corners.
Both my front and rear rear corner mouldings that cap the join between the side and front panels have come loose. They are held on by some hex-head screws. When I try to re-tighten there seems to be nothing for the screws to grip on. But what sits behind? Would these trim pieces screw into a wood frame behind the aluminium siding that has rotted out? Does anyone have experience of repairing these areas?
Thanks as ever.


Ed, I have never worked on the older ones but from all the pictures I have seen and the many truck campers I have worked on I am going to guess it is wood. Can't you look up from below and in from the grill and get an idea of what is there?


Ed, While I was browsing here one of Kevins old pictures poped up on the left. I hope this is it. Look at the framing, maybe yours is similar?;sa=item;id=1563


Thanks Rick.
I have had s good look but everything is sealed from the back and underneath with metal sheets.
Loads of wood in that picture, I hadn't realised how much framing these old beasts have in them.
Reckon I may need to take the trim piece off and have a look around. Fingers crossed that I don't find a horror story!


It's all wood under there and there's several topics here where owners have repaired body wood rot. 
1969 D22, 2 x 1974 D24 Indians, 1977 27' Itasca