Upside-down Side mirrors?

Started by The_Handier_Man1, December 07, 2008, 08:31 PM

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Sent: 12/9/2004 2:37 AM

My 1983 Brave has two sets of side mirrors.  They are mounted on large U shaped brackets which are bolted to the sides of the RV.  The small magnifying mirrors are above the large non-magnifying mirrors.  When I turn my head to the left to use the driver's mirrors, my line of sight hits the small magnifying mirror.  To use the large non-magnifying mirror, I have to look down.  I have not been able to teach myself to turn my head to the left and look down at the same time, although I really want to use the large non-magnifying mirror primarily.  Is this setup right?  Is the standard way to mount these mirrors with the magnifying mirror at eye level?  Should I learn to use the smaller magnifying mirror first, and then switch my eyes to the other mirror?

Your thoughts on this world be greatly appreciated.

Sea Hag

Sent: 12/9/2004 8:13 AM

It sounds like someone may have switched the mirrror positions on yours . Like Denison's my convec mirrors are the lower mirror below the flat ones . This is the same way most trrucks Ive driven were set up also , with the flat mirror at eye level above the convec one . The convec mirror should be the second one you check . It helps you see cars that may be ridding in your blind spots , which are primarily on the right side of the rig .Takes a little practice .  I'd recomend switching them back , Or if they are in bad shape you may be able to find a single flat mirror that will fit the bracket then add a stick on convec , or a seperat round convec below  - check a local truck parts store . Sea Hag


Sent: 12/9/2004 10:27 AM

I agree, it sounds like your mirrors have been switched.  Maybe someone took them off and forgot which went where, then wrongly mounted the left one on the right side and vice-versa?



My 69 was also set up with the convex mirror on the top.  I never really understood why, but for some reason I just left it like that.


Sent: 12/10/2004 8:10 PM

My input would be is that it is a matter of personal choice.  Mine came with small convex mirrors above the full length West coast mirrors.  I am accoustomed to using these type of mirrors so I can adapt to them no matter where they are located.  Also, the brakets on mine are designed such that I would expect them to be above the main mirrors.  I only say that because of the extension piece installed above the main mirror attachment.  They window height requires the installation of a extension.



Sent: 12/10/2004 9:01 PM

The Whiny Beggar also had the convex on top.  Still there.  Never thought too much about it.  But, I did consider putting another on the driver's side because the big mirror there doesn't show too much when they get about 3/4 the way up my side.