Off for a drive

Started by Wbago, June 03, 2014, 02:58 PM

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Off for a drive round the local streets tomorrow, as i dont seem to have starting problems any more :D

the missis is already scared lol, but heard her talking to her friend today, and she called it 'OUR RV' :D
defo an improvement on 'HIS NEW TOY' :P


Yep, pretty soon she will be re-designing the interior and putting a homey touch to it :)ThmbUp ....and telling you to take off your shoes, and telling you when to go to bed, what to eat, who your friends are, etc.. :)rotflmao
Never get crap happy with a slap happy pappy


........nostalgia is not what it used to be


Just got back, just took the missis for about 4 miles round trip :D

Engine-wise, ive got no real issues ... Yay!! ... pulls well, nice rumbly V8 noise under load, no wierd smells or leaks

driving-wise, i may have a few lol ....
Very bouncy ride, rolls round corners, think the airbags might need pumping up, or the tyres need more air in em ...
steering was OK, tho it seemed a little vague, but not wandering, bit clunky over bumps ..
power steering - might need some fluid in, seemed ok when going forward, but reverse at slow speed gave me almost no assistance, took a few shunts to get her straight on the drive lol :D

overall, im a happy bunny, the missis is more settled now she knows what to expect, and as long as i take the corners REAL slow, i should be fine i think lol :D

Stuff to check now, bits to fix and adjust, oil + filter, fluids check, aiming for a couple of days out in her in a couple of weeks, not far, then a couple of weeks in july/august at least. . . .

None of which would be possible without the help of ppl here on the forum :D
Cheers again, guys and gals  :)clap


Nice one. 

It will feel a bit bouncy as you are sitting more above the front wheels compared to a "normal" vehicle.

Most American vehicles do roll some round corners but what you describe sounds excessive.  The correct tyre pressures for RVs can be quite a bit higher than you might expect so check what they should be.  Other than that its air bags and shocks.

Let the good times roll  :)clap
........nostalgia is not what it used to be